Pop Culture Episodes

May 2, 2023

55. Gay for Pay: Should Straight Actors Play Queer Characters?

We’ve come a long way regarding LGBTQ+ media representation, with 92 LGBTQ+ characters appearing on scripted broadcast primetime programming for the 2021-2022 season. However, that representation falls flat when you consider ...

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April 11, 2023

52. Gayming: Level Up Your Sense of Community (with Jonathan Steele)

In past episodes, we've talked about how it can be difficult for gay men to find a network of like-minded peers and the importance of finding your community and chosen family. In this episode, my friend, Jonathan Steele, join...

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Jan. 24, 2023

41. Gay Icons: The Queen of Disco

Previously, we discussed our iconic pop queens and how their songs typically fit into distinct categories that hit an emotional button that appeals to gay men. In this episode, we continue our Gay Icons series with none other...

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Dec. 20, 2022

36. Make the Yuletide (Movies) Gay

In previous episodes, we discussed the importance of LGBTQ+ characters in TV and film and how being our authentic selves can manifest true representation in the media. As part of this increase in LGBTQ+ portrayals, Christmas ...

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Oct. 25, 2022

28. Gay Horror

The history of horror goes back more than 250 years and has depicted queer themes since its origins. From Frankenstein to Freddy Krueger, horror has always been queer. In this episode, we’re taking a look at the history of th...

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Oct. 4, 2022

25. Gay Icons: My Name is Kylie

Previously, we discussed our iconic pop queens and how their songs typically fit into distinct categories that hit an emotional button that appeals to gay men. In this episode, we kick off the inaugural Gay Icons deep dive wi...

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Aug. 23, 2022

19. The Queer History of Disco

In between the politics of the Stonewall Riots and the AIDS pandemic, disco emerged as a haven for gay men to escape the confines of heterosexuality. In this episode, we’re taking a look at the history of disco, its queer roo...

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July 5, 2022

12. Queer as Folk

We previously talked about the importance of LGBTQ+ representation in TV and film and the “gay renaissance” of the 90s. While shows like Ellen and Will & Grace were groundbreaking at the time, they tended to skirt around LGBT...

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May 31, 2022

07. The History of Gay Representation in TV & Film

We’ve come a long way from the days of being portrayed on TV and in film as the sassy, sexless, gay best friend, but there are still improvements to be made. In this episode, we’re diving into the history of gay representatio...

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May 10, 2022

04. Pop Icons and Their Gay Emotional Appeal

Why does it seem like pop icons have such an appeal to gay men? Are we simply drawn to the music, or is there a deeper emotional connection? In this episode, we’re looking into some historically significant gay anthems while ...

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