Guests Episodes

Feb. 13, 2024

89. Beyond the Brawn: Redefining Queer Masculinity (with Erick DuPree)

Societal perceptions of masculinity are often rooted in traditional and restrictive norms, which can pressure gay men to conform to stereotypical ideals, leading to internalized homophobia, feelings of inadequacy, and a dimin...

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Jan. 30, 2024

87. Breaking the Binary (with Travis McMaster)

Within the many letters of the LGBTQ+ spectrum, non-binary individuals embrace identities outside the traditional binary of male or female, challenging societal norms and fostering a more diverse understanding of gender. Ofte...

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Dec. 19, 2023

84. Best of Guests (So Far): Part 2

Happy Holidays, my LGBTQuties! As the end of the year approached, it’s important to take a retrospective look to appreciate the challenges overcome, goals achieved, and lessons learned. In doing so, we can use the knowledge g...

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Dec. 12, 2023

83. Best of Guests (So Far): Part 1

As the end of the year approached, it’s important to take a retrospective look to appreciate the challenges overcome, goals achieved, and lessons learned. In doing so, we can use the knowledge gained to build a stronger found...

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Oct. 31, 2023

80. Queer Haunts: Happy Halloween (with Ralph Anthony)

Happy Halloween, my LGBTQuties! Previously, we discussed how queer themes have been depicted in horror for more than 250 years and that the genre has always been queer. In this episode, Ralph Anthony, host of the Scream Queer...

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Oct. 3, 2023

76. Finally Free (with Seth Showalter)

Conversion therapy is a discredited and harmful practice that attempts to change a person's sexual orientation or gender identity, often using psychological or religious methods, which can lead to severe emotional distress, t...

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Sept. 26, 2023

75. Sunday Dinners, Moonshine and Men (with Tate Barkley)

Previously, we discussed the complicated relationship gay men have with alcohol, which is shaped by diverse factors such as social acceptance, coping with discrimination, and navigating the intersection of LGBTQ+ identity and...

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Sept. 5, 2023

72. Recovering from Recover (with Adam Fitzgerald)

Previously, we discussed the complicated relationship gay men have with alcohol, which is shaped by diverse factors such as social acceptance, coping with discrimination, and navigating the intersection of LGBTQ+ identity and...

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July 25, 2023

66. Shoot Your Shot on Archer (with Michael Kaye)

While most gay dating apps aim to connect LGBTQ+ people with their community, it can still be challenging to make genuine connections which can lead to feelings of loneliness and rejection. The reality is most gay dating apps...

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July 11, 2023

64. 40 Single Gay (with Jonathan Lee)

As gay men, we may experience complexities surrounding modern dating and societal pressures that often place unrealistic expectations of romantic and personal fulfillment. So when we think we’ve found “The One,” what do we do...

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June 20, 2023

62. Let Go of Your Religious Trauma (with Eric Feltes)

Many gay men were taught that religion and sexuality are at odds with one another; either you're too gay to be religious, or you're too religious to be gay. As a result, we may have experienced religious trauma, leaving us fe...

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May 30, 2023

59. Say Bye Bye Bye to Bi Erasure (with Sam McClain)

Despite the letter B in LGBTQ+, many people, both within and outside of the community, tend to discount the experiences of bisexual people. This ignorance has resulted in bi-erasure, a pervasive problem in which the existence...

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April 25, 2023

54. Love in the Third Degree (with Eric Praniewicz)

We live in a time when we don’t have to be confined to standard labels regarding gender, sexuality, and even relationship types. Regardless of whether we’re monogamous or polyamorous, it’s still important to do the emotional ...

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April 11, 2023

52. Gayming: Level Up Your Sense of Community (with Jonathan Steele)

In past episodes, we've talked about how it can be difficult for gay men to find a network of like-minded peers and the importance of finding your community and chosen family. In this episode, my friend, Jonathan Steele, join...

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March 28, 2023

50. Self-Love Tough Love (with Tillie Lee)

In past episodes, we've talked about how some gay men try to curate the illusion of a "perfect life" to compensate for feelings of shame and rejection. As such, we develop a false sense of confidence through others' validatio...

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